01.16.2025: updated some misc info and rearranged some links!
09.05.2024: updated Lucifer's Den ♡
01.16.2024: added a new commander deck to the mtg page!
01.04.2024: added lil guy land!
12.06.2023: added two more decks to the mtg page & more blinkies!!
11.23.2023: added an about me page & more blinkies!!
11.22.2023: added more blinkies!
11.21.2023: added more neopets!
11.19.2023: added more neopets!
11.18.2023: shrine to Lucifer added!
11.17.2023: blinkies page added!
11.17.2023: neopets page added! more pets 2 come
11.15.2023: mtg page added!
11.15.2023: website launched with the help of Silas!!